hi, i'm Georgia
welcome to my store!
it's fastest to text, email, or dm me :)

cleo taking photo of forrest, minneapolis, 2015
Summer of 2014 I visited my friend Forrest in minneapolis. They lent me a Yashica to shoot on, I walked around the city for hours - and when I got that first roll back, even though the photos sucked, I was thrilled. Forrest continued to inspire me and got me hooked on photography and cameras in general.
I picked up a few cameras here an there over the years - my Mom gave me hers from highschool. Forrest gifted me the Yashica Mat 124G (both cameras I still have). I bought more at thrift stores. Every time they would break I would open them up and see what I could do. Without a job one day, I looked around at the 50 or so cameras I had accumulated and thought, I don't need this many and listed a few online.
Forrest's amazing photography

beginning of retail space
Years later I moved to Brooklyn. My sister Cleo was opening up a Yarn Store - so we joined forces. Yarn & Cameras (what more could you expect from a store in Bushwick). People starting coming in complaining about repairs being innaccesible and expensive so I would tinker and do small repairs for those who could not afford the ridiculous repair prices.
Check out CLEO'S yarn store, a newly expanded cafe and yarn store

me and my broken down truck
After a a fun year Cleo wanted to expand the store to add a cafe and I was getting overwhelmed so I closed up shop. Bartended for a bit, worked at another camera store, then moved to Philly to remodel a house. I missed all the camera business and people did not stop coming to me for repair help. So I started everything back up again in 2024.
My goal is to continue helping people with a hobby that is sometimes daunting, overwhelming, and expensive. Film photography has always felt so clique-y, inaccessible, and sometimes, outright elitist. I am here to try to make my corner of the film world the opposite. Repairs will always be for the community and as cheap as I can afford it. If you ever need help, advice, feel lost, or need financial help affording something, please reach out, I would love to help <3